Clean water is essential for all living things. Humans, animals, and plants all need clean water to live — which is why water filtration is a massive industry today. Whether you’re watering crops on a large farm, pumping ballast water at a foreign port, or simply getting a glass of water from your refrigerator, you are likely to be using […]

7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Using a Water Distiller

In-home water distillers provide the best water for drinking and cooking. They operate by boiling water to capture the steam, cool it and turn it into pure distilled water. When water boils, the steam that comes off is extremely clean, leaving the impurities behind. Distilled water is the purest water that is possible to make, and has a number of […]

How to Make Distilled Water at Home for Free: 5 Easy Steps for Clean Water

There are many reasons you might need some distilled water around the house — medical uses or cosmetic purposes, for instance. Distilled water is the purest form of water you can find: simple hydrogen and oxygen, with 99.9% of minerals, chemicals and pollutants removed. You could always buy distilled water at your local grocery store or on Amazon, but considering how […]

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink?

Distilled water is the choice of laboratories and pharmacies because of its high purity. A water distiller removes 99.9% of dissolved inorganics, bacteria, and chemicals from water. Despite its high quality, whether or not distilled water is safe to drink is not easy to determine. The effects of drinking distilled water remain an under-researched and frequently debated topic. Essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, […]

Distilled Vs. Purified Water

Distilled water vs. purified water comes down to the process the water went through to reach purification. Before we get into the exact process differences between distilled and purified water, it’s important to understand what each type means. What Is Distilled Water? Distilled water is created through the process of distillation. Basically, in the process of distillation, the pure H2O is […]

5 Benefits of Purified Water

It is devastating to know that not everyone has access to clean, safe water. As a result, every year, 3.575 million people die due to complications of diseases related to drinking unclean, unsafe water. The theory that people can grow used to sewage-impacted water sources and gain immunity to the accompanying bacteria, viruses, and parasites is not only untrue but also inhumane. […]

Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Water Quality in Your Home

When water flows from the treatment plant to your tap, many factors in the distribution system and household plumbing can affect your water quality. Follow these tips to ensure the quality of the water that flows through the mains remains the same as it flows from your tap. Learn more by reading our Household Water Quality Guide. Flushing Run cold water […]

Why it’s important for you to drink water and stay hydrated

As the weather heats up this summer, you might be wondering what drink will keep you hydrated. Water allows you to stay hydrated and doesn’t contain unnecessary calories or additives. Our registered dietitian team shares why water is your best choice year-round. Why should I drink water? Water is vital to our health. It plays a key role in many of […]

4 Ways to Provide Clean Water

3.575 million people die every year as a direct result of diseases incurred from dirty and unsafe water, primarily diarrheal illnesses and diesease. Most of those who succumb to illnesses stemming from unsafe water are children under the age of five, translating to nearly 60 percent (2.2 million) of those who die. When calculated, that amounts to one child under the […]


Drinking purified water does a lot more than quench your thirst…it keeps your body in great working order.  There are many benefits to drinking clean, fresh water, and here are some of the best ones to keep in mind: 1. Drinking Water Keeps You Young: Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin moisturized and reduces the appearance of fine lines and […]